
1951 Farmall MD: Nice looking, nice running old M Diesel.
Starts on gas runs on diesel. 12 volt electrical system, 5 speed
# 1684 SOLD

Refueling steps
that bolt onto the frame rails of Farmall tractors.
# 1255 SOLD |
 Vinyl Tractor
covers for Cub tractors now available from Chats Tractors. # 1403

1955 Cub Low Boy
# 2043 SOLD
 Restored 1929 Farmall regular on
# 1616 SOLD
 1948 Farmall M with top of the line
Video of this tractor
# 1438 SOLD - Shipped to
 1952 Farmall H.
# 2005 SOLD

Strong running 1941 Farmall M.
# 1567 SOLD
 1954 Farmall Super H (Z code)
# 1501 SOLD
 1953 Farmall Super M Diesel.
# 1679 SOLD |
 1953 Farmall Super M
# 2050 SOLD
 1945 H "War Model" Special Patriot Paint,
# 2025 SOLD

Very sharp Farmall Super HTA.
# 1687 SOLD

1951 Farmall H
# 2020 SOLD

"never issued" Operator's Manual
for a Farmall 400 Tractor.
# 1599 SOLD
 1953 Louisville Farmall Super M:
# 2006 SOLD |

1953 Farmall Super M.
# 1640

Beautifully restored 1941 Farmall M.
SOLD # 1668

1953 Farmall Super M D. # 1695 SOLD |

Very nicely restored 1954 Farmall
Super MTA gas tractor.
# 1653

Very nice Farmall Super MTA Diesel.
SOLD # 1650
 1954 Farmall Super C
# 1655

Early Model Farmall Cub restored.
# 1631

1953 Farmall Super H with M&W Hand Clutch.

1953 Farmall Super M Strong running
motor serviced and ready for the field
# 1562 |
 Restored 1953 Farmall Super C.
SOLD #1635 |

Very Sharp 1953 Farmall Super M.
# 1651

Farmall model H recently restored for Justin Meierkord. Justin
brought his Grandfather (Steve) along with him to pick up the H. |

Farmall model H recently restored for Justin Meierkord.
Justin brought his Grandfather (Steve) along with him to pick up
the H |

Sharp 1954 Farmall Super MTA Diesel with power steering.
# 1310 |

Extremely nice restored 1953 Farmall
Super M Diesel. Sold
# 1568 |

An extremely nice Stage II Farmall Super H Motor
has low hours on rebuild SOLD # 1311 |

1954 Farmall Super MTA. This Super MTA has extended spindles for
SOLD # 1465

Very nicely restored 1954 Farmall
Super MTA gas tractor. New engine, and TA overhaul # 1527

1941 IH Model A 4cyl. engine, 4 speed
transmission. SOLD
# 1556 |
Partington (on the right) and his brother Terry with Troy's
recently purchased 1954 Farmall Super H. Troy is currently
serving in the United States Airforce. Stationed overseas
Partington (on the right) and his brother Terry with Troy's
recently purchased 1954 Farmall Super H. Troy is currently
serving in the United States Airforce. Stationed overseas

1946 Farmall H
#1447 SOLD |

Restored Farmall Super M
# 1421 |
 1952 Farmall Super M: Totally
Video link
# 1523

1949 Farmall M
# 1460 SOLD

Stage II Farmall Super H
Sale Pending # 1311 |

1954 Farmall Super MTA Diesel
# 1426 SOLD

1953 Farmall Super M
# 1484

Farmall Super H
# 1483

1953 Farmall Super C
# 1496

1953 Farmall Super M
# 1513 SOLD

1954 Farmall
Super, MTA, Wide front, new 13 .6 x 38 tires. New overhaul
engine and TA, power steering, overall condition very good. |
1954 Farmall Super MTA. Serial number
81408. Power steering, factory wide front, 3pt, new paint
and overhaul. 12 volt, fenders and new 13.6 tires. |
Our Current Ebay Auctions !!

and his son Frank came and picked up their 1954 Farmall Super H
and are headed home to Pennington Gap VA. |

This 1954 Farmall Super MTA
is headed to Cape Cod Mass. Hope Rick keeps it out of the
ocean, wouldn't want to mess up that paint job

This 1954 Super MTA is headed to warmer
weather in Springfield Tenn.
 This Farmall SMTA is posed with
it's new owners who live in Okeechobee, FL. Mary Ellen Chatterton also agreed to pose as well. |

Another fine Farmall Super H finds a new
 2 months later, they came back for a
Super H and this time Dick Chatterton posed for the
picture. 2 fine tractors headed for a much warmer
climate. |

1954 Farmall Super MTA s# 74386
narrow front, new paint, new tires, new overhaul, very good
condition. Sold Summer 2002.

1954 Farmall SMTA
in excellent cond.,Char-Lynn Power
Steering, Factory wide front, Factory fenders, 15.5x38 tires, excellent sheet metal, new paint. Engine, TA,
trans, rear end all very good, also rare fast hitch with 3pt
quick hitch.
Purchased by Sam and Donna
Mazza. Visit their web site
sammazza.com |
1954 Farmall Super MTA New paint,
under hood power steering.
Sold November 2002. |

1954 Farmall Super MTA -
Narrow front with Charlynn power steering,

John & Kay Gerholdt drove
up from Wichita Falls, Texas on January 1st.
2003 |

1954 Farmall Super MTA.
Sold on Ebay 1/11/2003. |

1953 Farmall Super MD.
Sold May 2003 |

1954 Farmall Super MTA, factory wide front, Sold |
 1954 Farmall Super H, serial number #
25403, New paint, excellent sheet metal, tires 80 %,
Mechanical condition excellent, overall condition excellent.
Sold May 2003. |

1953 Farmall Super M
with live hydraulicsSold May 2003 |

1955 Farmall Super HTA. 164 cu.in. 4cyl. gas engine, 5spd transmission
with torque amplifier, show room condition. Independent PTO, new 11.2x38
tires and tubes with rear weights. Complete engine and T.A.
overhaul, rear end and transmission gone through with new seals and worn
parts replaced. New oil in transmission and rear end, radiator
rodded, carb rebuilt, new wiring, belts, and hoses, new clutch shaft and
bushings, new seat and battery box, new muffler, all casting holes
rethreaded, sanded primed, and coated with three coats of quality IH
paint. Comes equipped with Factory wide front, factory fenders, and
factory 2pt. fast hitch.
SOLD May 2003 |

1952 Farmall Super C serial #137556.
This tractor has the 123 cu.in. 4cyl. 20-hp.engine, 4-speed
transmission, live hydraulics, starter, lights, dual PTO, very
good to excellent condition.
Sold July 2003 |

1946 Farmall H
Sold July 2003 |

1953 Farmall Super M 264cu.in gas engine,
Sold July 2003 |

1954 Super H
Sold Sept 2003 on EBay |

1953 Super M with 281 cu.in. engine,
Sold Sept 2003 on EBay |

Super MD-TA This tractor is in very
good to excellent condition with excellent sheet metal, near new
paint, new TA, motor has less than 200 hours on complete overhaul,
narrow front, standard hitch, tires are 60-70%. this tractor does
have the Char-Lynn power steering.
Sold October 2003 |
 1948 Farmall H with new paint,
excellent sheet metal, 50% rear tires, new front tires, pulley
attachment, new steering wheel, and rear wheel weights and runs like a top with a Stan Hoist
front end loader. Click on the tractor for more pictures.
Sold November 2003 |
Like new 3 Point hitch from a Super MTA. SOLD |

Diesel 1953 Super MD. new paint, new overhaul, Sold |

1953-54 Farmall Super H excellent condition,
Sold December 2003 |

Diesel 1954 Super MTA only 5600 hours on original hour meter, Last
Sale of 2003 |

Jeff Harmon (no hat) and his friend Lance came all the way from
the Knoxville, Tn. area to pick up his 1954 Farmall SMTA.
Sold March 2004 |

Tom Lennon and his Dad drove down from Michigan to pick up Tom's
un-restored 1954 Farmall Super HSold March 2004

1940 Farmall H completely restored, New engine overhaul,
new paint, new (gauges, battery, battery box, seat, hoses, clamps,
12volt gen, regulator, original style decals) pto shield like new, all
lights work, 70% tread on 12.4 rear tires with some weather
checks. Over all one of the finest 40 models you'll find.
Sold March 2004

Mr. Alan Johnson from Amery, WI., his son in law and friend
picking up his recent un-restored SMTA purchase. He plans to fully
restore this fine tractor and add to his collection. We did
not get this tractor listed on the site so we do not have any
additional pictures. Sold March 2004 |

1953 Farmall Super M excellent mechanics, under hood
power steering, fenders, new paint, 2 way
valve, 13.6 tires 70%, many new parts. A very sharp Super M.
Sold April 2004 |
 1953 Super MD. new paint, new overhaul, new tires, new rims, fenders, battery
box, seat, much more, starts and runs like the day it came off the show
room floor 50 years ago!
Sold May 2004
Diesel Super M Video |

Dave Kingland and Dick Chatterton with Dave's SMTA
loaded for Northern Iowa. Sold May
2004 |

Marvin Kahlig and his son Cris from Fort Recovery, Ohio picking up
a 1937 Farmall F30 purchased by Mr. Floyd Bergman from Ft.
1937 Farmall F30 with pulley, PTO, hi/lo trans, Runs super.
Sold July 2004 |

1954 Farmall SMTA with behlen power steering.
Engine, TA, transmission, rear end all in good working condition.
Engine does not smoke and carries very good oil pressure. 2
way hydraulics, tires 60%. SOLD
Sept 2004 |
 Mr. Ron Hoag from southern Minnesota picking up his
Farmall Super MD-TA

1952 Farmall H excellent restored tractor. factory wide
front, smooth sheet metal. Motor runs like brand new. (Very low idler)
new paint, very good tires with 75% tread, belt pulley, lights. The best
"52" around. SOLD Dec 2004 |

1954 Farmall Super MTA Diesel, Good motor, TA,
transmission, wide front, power steering under the hood. It
has two way hydraulics and light bar. New tires, new paint
and many new parts. Sold Dec 2004 |

1954 Farmall Super H , live hydraulics, excellent sheet metal,
near new paint, 12 volt electric, excellent engine, transmission,
and rear end. SOLD Dec 2004 |

1954 Farmall SMTA gas,
older restoration with power steering. This tractor has an
M&W power governor, very strong motor, good TA, 2 way hydraulics
and 14.9 rears, with 70% tread. SOLD Feb
2005 |

1954 Super MTA gas one owner, low hours, Char Lynn power
steering, Factory wide front, 2-pt. fast hitch, fenders,
excellent paint, metal, and mech. 14.9 tires with 70% tread.
orig. 6v electric system. Sold May
2005 |

1954 Diesel SMTA. This one is a nice Missouri
tractor that has been well cared for and runs very nice.
This tractor has new tires and great tin.
Sold May 2005
http://www.vanwilgens.com |

1954 Farmall Super MTA, Click on tractors to see
description. Sold May 2005 |

1950 Farmall Model C Click on tractors to see description. Traded |

1953 Farmall Super M Click on tractors to see description.
SOLD 2005 |

1949 Farmall M, Click on tractors to see description. SOLD July 2005 |

54 Super H going to Mark Spear in northern West Virginia. Picked
up at Chats Tractors by his good friends Bob (on the left) and
Dennis SOLD July 2005 |
Farmall SMTA. Wide Front with Power Steering. Engine,
TA, transmission all in good to excellent condition. This tractor
also comes with wheel weights, Fenders, Live Hydraulics, Live PTO.
Tires are weather checked but have good tread. This is
a very tight tractor. Click on the tractor for more
pictures. SOLD Oct 2005 |

1954 Farmall Super H.
Click on tractors to see description.

1950 Farmall H Click on tractors to see
Sold #1190 |

Farmall SMD-TA Click on tractors to see
description. SOLD |

1948 Farmall M. Click on tractors to see

1954 Farmall Super MD-TA Click on tractors to see
description. SOLD |

An extremely nice Farmall SMTA.
Click on tractors to see description.
Sold |

Click on tractors to see description. Sold |

Click on tractors to see description.
1212 |

Super HTA headed to Virginia SOLD
Super HTA Video |

1954 Super MTA headed to Virginia. SOLD
1954 Farmall Super MTA
with Factor wide front video |

Click on tractors to see description.
Sold at Aug 12th Auction |

Click on tractors to see description. #1239
Sold at Aug 12th Auction |

Click on tractors to see description. #1237
Sold at Aug 12th Auction

Click on tractors to see description.
SOLD Fast #1291 |

Farmall H nicely restored and headed to Michigan.

1954 Farmall SMTA with wide front restored and headed to
Michigan. |

Click on tractors to see description.
SOLD #1296 |

Click on tractors to see description. SOLD
# 1222 |

1954 Farmall Super M. Recent engine overhaul, new clutch and pressure
plate, new gauges, fluids, wide front, rear weights, 2 way hydraulic,
12 volt electric, blasted, primed, painted with Maple- Hunter decals.
13.6 rear tires with 50% tread. Very sharp , good running tractor.
SOLD # 1319 |

1954 Farmall Stage 2 Super H in
outstanding condition.
Click on tractors to see description.
Video of Super H
# 1157 Sold |

Click on tractors to see description. #1334
Sold on Ebay
Click to see our Ebay Auctions

Click on tractors to see description.
Sold on Ebay
Our Current Ebay Auctions |
 1953 Farmall Super M Diesel.
Click the tractor for more pictures. SOLD #1292 |

Click on tractors to see description.
SOLD # 1305

Click on tractors to see description.
SOLD on Ebay #1367 |

These 2 tractors were pulled out of Dick and Bob's personal
collection. The far tractor is a Farmalls Super H and on
this side is a Farmall Super H-TA. These tractors are going to
Connecticut to the Bill Van Wilgen Garden Center.
Wilgins Garden Center John Michaels is hauling
this tractor with his faithfull friend “Angel” |

1945 Farmall H with trip bucket loader.
#1238 SOLD |
Our Current Ebay Auctions !!

Picture of
Hauler John Ux and his helper , loaded and ready to deliver Mr.
Arrowood’s Super MD to upstate PA. and Mr. Grabski’s Farmall
450 to downstate NY. |

Super Nice 1954 Farmall Super MTA Diesel. # 1338 SOLD |

1949 Farmall Cub Very nice Cub with 1 bottom plow and 2
weights. # 1300 SOLD

1953 Farmall Super C.
# 1297 SOLD

1954 Farmall Super H
#1343 SOLD

1949 Farmall H Older restoration. #1289 SOLD |

1941 Farmall M. SOLD #1371 |

1941 Farmall M. The sharpest, neatest, straightest, smoothest running
“Old M” we’ve ever owned.
SOLD #1306 |
 1953-54 State II Super H.
# 1439
SOLD October 2009

Dr. Jim Galvin from New Marshfield, Ohio picking up his newly
restored Farmall H. Jim found the H in a barn close to home and
brought it to Chats to have it refurbished. His collection of
Farmall tractors is growing. |
 1954 Farmall Super MTA. One of the sharpest and
straightest Super MTA’S we’ve ever had.
# 1369 Sale
Pending |

1953 Farmall Super M LP, original
factory installation,
M&W 9 speed transmission
# 1470 |

1954 Farmall
Super MTA Complete engine, TA and
clutch overhaul, all new fluids, hoses, belts, gauges, battery box,
lights and numerous other parts. Perfect tin, 2 way live hydraulics,
rear weights, with new tires front and rear. Click on the tractor for close up pictures.
# 1410 SOLD |

1953 Farmall Super M Diesel low hours on smooth running
engine, 2 way live hydraulics, excellent sheet metal, fenders, 12 volt
electrical system, rear weights, new Firestone tires all around. Many
new parts. Hard to find Model. Click on the tractor for more
# 1424 SOLD

Farmall Cub with 42 inch belly mower. Click on the tractor for more pictures. # 1398