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We meet good people in this business every day.
We do custom restorations for people of tractors that have sentimental
value. Here are a few people that have taken the time to comment
on our work.
hi dick and bob,
just wanted to let you know that the super h arrived
here in fine shape, delivered by josh in good time.
the tractor is everything you said it was. good
experience doing business with you.
just got the tractor back from my tire guy, new
rubber all around, rears loaded, and went for a spin out
around the back 100 acre pasture to get it dirty. runs
sweetly, it will be a joy working with it over the years.
have had several people who know their old tractors
comment on what good shape this tractor is in; well taken
care of over the years, and well restored.
thanks again
david carse
vermont |
I wanted to take a quick minute to thank you again for all
of your help with my recent purchase ofth~ D15 AC tractor.
Steve (my husband) was completely surprised and t~en back
whf;}n he found out about and saw the tractor. He doesn't
always say much, but the look on his face said it all. I
found out later that the reason he so liked the D 15
tractors was that this was the tractor he learned to drive
on. His uncle had one and Steve's dad and uncle worked
together with all of their farm work. His uncle would leave
his D 15 at their house between fields of hay crops and
Steve would take the tractor out in the evening to practice
driving it so he could do the raking with the tractor. Steve
wasn't sure, but at some point, his uncle traded the tractor
for bigger and later models of AC's. Steve's dad had a D17,
but the D15 held a special place in his heart.
Our 10 year old son, Darin, (the John Deere fan!) asked
Steve how he liked the tractor. Steve said he loved it and
the tractor was something that he probably would never have
bought for himself (which I knew). Darin could hardly wait
for Steve to start the tractor! Steve turned the key and
the'tractor fired immediately and the engine purrrred like a
happy kitten (and Steve's face looked like a 5 year-old at
Christmas!! !).
Right now the tractor is still at my mother's house in
Lincoln, MO. This week as been impossible between selling
nearly 1,000 dozen sweet com at the local farmer's market
(college money for the kids), mower conditioner having a
major break down with 40 acres of prairie hay ready to go, 2
kids to pack for a week of church camp, 1 daughter moving
into her first apartment, and major computer upgrades and
proplems at the school where Steve is the technology
director. He came home on Wednesday after a,particularly
rough day and I asked him if he needed to go to Lincoln to
have some quiet time with his tractor to help make the day
better. He did think that might help. I will email you some
pictures ofthe tractor and Steve as soon as we can get that
done. |
I want to thank you again for all of your help with this
special purchase for a very special person. I would be glad
to recommend you to anyone. Hopefully, I'll have pictures to
send soon! |
June 12, 2008
In the summer of
2007 my wife and I drove to Illinois to meet
Dick Chatterton and asked him to restore our
Chalmers D-15 tractor. We chose Dick
because he is well known for quality
workmanship. Every tractor has a story. And ours
will span three generations. This tractor was
purchased new from King-Lindsey Implement of
Cordell, Oklahoma by my step-father. He
was a good man who landed on
Omaha Beach and spent the entire WWII
period in the European theatre. After the war,
his only desire was to return to
western Oklahoma and farm in peace the
rest of his years. He farmed with the tractor
for many years and the tractor served him well.
Later, in the 1980's when
Penn Square Bank collapsed and the FDIC
was closing two banks a week, remember? This
same D-15 had to do double and triple duty to
keep our dairy operation alive until times got
better. In short, if ever a tractor deserved to
be restored correctly this tractor more than
earned the right. Thus it was with care we
chose Dick to restore this tractor to pass on
with our farm to the next generation.
I suggest
you watch the video of the "D-15 restoration"
link on Dicks' web page. It will give you an
idea of how worn-out the tractor was. However,
the final result pictures do not show the great
detail work. The tractor is absolutely
beautiful! Dick did and amazing job restoring
the tractor inside and out. In closing, there
are a thousand "Bubbas" out there who can slap
on a coat of paint and call it a restoration.
Dick Chatterton is not that person. If you want
the job done right, if the tractor means more
than a piece of steel to sit there and look
pretty, I would gladly recommend this good man.
Thank you once again Dick, three generations
James Baughman
Seminole, Oklahoma